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Fig. 1 | Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Fig. 1

From: The behavioural phenotype of SATB2-associated syndrome: a within-group and cross-syndrome analysis

Fig. 1

Bar graphs used to represent categorical data (a, b), histograms used to represent normally distributed continuous data based on the mean and SD (c), and boxplots used to represent non-normally distributed data based on the median and IQR (d). a Chi-square analyses comparing frequencies of self-injury, physical aggression, and property destruction (significant group differences at p < .01). b Chi-square analyses comparing frequencies of CBQ topographies of self-injury. c ANOVA analysis comparing CBQ self-injury severity scores between SAS, AS, and autism. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals; ± (1.96 × standard error of the mean). d Kruskal–Wallis analyses comparing TAQ subscale scores between SAS, AS, and autism (significant group differences at p < .01). *AS group level comparisons were not conducted for the impulsive speech subscale due to small number of verbal participants (n = 3). Group level comparison conducted for verbal participants only (SAS: n = 20, autism: n = 46)

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