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Table 1 Demographic characteristics ; age, sex, mobility, hearing and vision status, verbal ability and self-help skills

From: Self-injury and aggression in tuberous sclerosis complex: cross syndrome comparison and associated risk markers



Mean age, years (SD)

% male (N)

% verbal or partly verbala(N)

% mobile (N)

% able or partly ableb(N)

% normal vision (N)

% normal hearing (N)

Down syndrome (comparison group)


9.00 (3.31)

41.9 (18)

95.2c (40)

83.7 (36)

90.7 (39)

55.8 (24)

53.5 (23)

Tuberous sclerosis complex


10.08 (3.09)

51.4 (19)

89.2 (33)

81.1 (30)

78.4 (29)

89.2 (33)

97.2c (35)

Cornelia de Lange syndrome


10.10 (3.25)

44.3 (27)

62.7c (37)

50.0c (30)

44.3 (27)

66.7c (40)

57.4 (35)

fragile X syndrome


10.88 (2.58)

100 (112)

95.5 (107)

69.4c (77)

89.3 (100)

87.5 (98)

97.3 (108)

Autism spectrum disorder


9.37 (3.14)

85.6 (161)

93.0c (174)

94.7c (177)

87.2 (164)

96.8 (182)

97.3 (183)

  1. aBased on the speech item of the Wessex Behaviour Schedule. Verbal or partly verbal is defined as a score of ≥2. bBased on the self-help scale of the Wessex Behaviour Schedule. Able or partly able is defined as a score of >2. cData missing from one participant. Bold indicates whether the value is significantly different compared with the Down syndrome comparison group (P < 0.05).