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Fig. 6 | Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Fig. 6

From: Spatiotemporal development of spinal neuronal and glial populations in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome

Fig. 6

Analysis of the nodes of Ranvier in the DCST and LF. a A representative confocal image of the nodes of Ranvier stained with the nodal marker NF186+ and the paranodal marker CASPR+ in the DCST. b, c In both the DCST and LF, there are significantly fewer nodes of Ranvier in the trisomic animals at P30. This difference is not present at P60 or at 10–11 months in either the DCST or LF (P30 n = 3 euploid and 3 Ts65Dn; P60 n = 4 euploid and 4 Ts65Dn; 10-11 months n = 4 euploid and 6 Ts65Dn; *p < 0.05). d qRT-PCR analysis of Nfasc and Caspr gene expression in the spinal cord shows no significant difference between euploid and trisomic at P7, P15, or P60 (P7 n = 5 euploid and 2 Ts65Dn; P15 n = 3 euploid and 3 Ts65Dn; P60 n = 3 euploid and 3 Ts65Dn)

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