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Table 1 Litters are rarely used as the statistical unit in NDD publications

From: Controlling litter effects to enhance rigor and reproducibility with rodent models of neurodevelopmental disorders


Search criteria

Number of litters indicated

Litter treated as statistical unit

Genetic (including molecular studies of brain development)

(SCN2A AND Autism) OR (CHD8 AND Autism) OR (UBE3A AND Angelman)

2/45 (4%)

0/45 (0%)

neocortex AND development AND regulation

3/29 (10%)

1/29 (3%)

(embryonic knockout OR electroporation) AND brain development

4/25 (16%)

1/25 (4%)

Genetic total


9/99 (9%)

2/99 (2%)


maternal immune activation AND autism

23/33 (67%)

6/33 (18%)

autism AND air pollution

8/9 (89%)

3/9 (33%)

BPA AND brain development

8/9 (89%)

4/9 (44%)

autism AND VPA

30/66 (45%)

10/66 (15%)

Environment total


69/117 (59%)

23/117 (20%)