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Table 1 Curriculum modules and session topics

From: Utilization of telemedicine to support caregivers of young children with ASD and their Part C service providers: a comparison of intervention outcomes across three models of service delivery

Curriculum module

Session topics

Challenging behavior (n = 32)

1. Identifying the ABCs of behavior

2. Identifying the function of behavior

3. Preventative and reactive procedures

4. Replacement behaviors

5. Behavior change: generalization and maintenance

6. Behavior change: generalization and maintenance

Communication (n = 61)

1. Understanding the ABCs of behavior and learning

2. Identifying how and why your child communicates

3. Using the framework for communication

4. Applying the framework for teaching communication

5. Applying the framework for teaching communication

6. Applying the framework for teaching communication

Sleep (n = 10)

1. Sleep and ASD

2. Daytime and evening habits to promote successful sleep

3. Follow-up on daytime and evening habits

4. Responding to challenges during the night

5. Follow-up on challenges

6. Generalizing sleep and behavioral strategies

Social play (n = 4)

1. Understanding ABCs of behavior and learning

2. Sensory social routines and communication during play

3. Following the lead and structuring joint activity routines

4. Imitation and turn-taking

5. Sharing interest

6. Independent play

Toilet training (n = 2)

1. Child and caregiver readiness—data collection

2. Set goals and develop a schedule

3. Identify issues, additional supports, and reinforcement

4. Functions and responding to challenging behavior

5. Promoting independence

6. Moving forward—planning for generalization