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Table 1 Anxiety treatment studies for young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

From: DINOSAUR: an integrated cognitive-behavioral treatment for anxiety in young children with ASD







3–7-year-old children with ASD and anxiety disorders;

IQ ≥ 80


Being Brave


6 parent training sessions

7 parent-child sessions

Significant decreases in anxiety with 40% and 82% remission rates of any anxiety disorder at post-treatment and 4-month follow-up, respectivelya


4–6-year-old children with ASD and clinically significant anxiety;

absence of IDb


Fun with Feelings


10 parent-only sessions

No change in anxiety symptoms at post-treatment or at 3-month follow-upd


4-year-old children with ASD and behavioral inhibition;

IQ not assessed


Cool Little Kids


6 parent-only sessions

Active treatment group had a significantly lower rate of anxiety disorders compared to controls at 1-year follow-upe


4-8 year-old children with ASD

IQ ≥ 70

Pivotal Response Treatment


48 sessions over 16 weeks (5h of child intervention; 2h parent training per week)

Children displayed a significant reduction in anxiety and internalizing symptoms after treatmentf

  1. aOutcomes assessed using the Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale [49], Spence Preschool Anxiety Scale [42], Child Behavior Checklist [2], and Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for DSM-IV – Epidemiologic Version [32]
  2. bIntellectual disability
  3. cModified cognitive behavioral therapy for ASD
  4. dOutcomes assessed using the Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale [49] and Child Behavior Checklist [2]
  5. eOutcomes assessed using the Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule for DSM-IV-Parent Interview Schedule [40]
  6. fOutcomes assessed using the Child and Adolescent Symptom Inventory and Child Behavior Checklist [13]