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Table 1 Free text search terms of PTEN related conditions and behavioural and cognitive characteristics

From: Behavioural and psychological features of PTEN mutations: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis of the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder characteristics

Search terms


“Pten” OR “pten syndrome” OR “hamartoma syndrome” OR “hamartoma tumour syndrome*” OR “PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome” OR “pten hamartoma-tumour syndrome” OR “phts” OR “phts syndrome” OR “pten mutation*” OR “pten gene mutation” OR “pten germline mutation*” OR “chromosome 10q23” OR “chromosome 10q23 mutation” OR “chromosome 10q23 deletion*” OR “chromosome 10q23 deletion syndrome” OR cowden OR “cowden syndrome” OR “cowden disease” OR “lhermitte duclos syndrome” OR “lhermitte-duclos syndrome” OR “lhermitte duclos disease” OR “lhermitte-duclos disease” OR “bannayan riley ruvalcaba” OR “bannayan riley ruvalcaba syndrome” OR “bannayan-riley-ruvalcaba” OR “bannayan-riley-ruvalcaba syndrome” OR “proteus like syndrome” OR “proteus-like syndrome” OR “proteus syndrome”

Behavioural and cognitive characteristics

((behavio* OR psych* OR clinical OR emotion* OR cognit* OR mental OR sensory) adj3 (phenotyp* OR abilit* OR disabilit* OR delay OR problem OR difficult* OR disorder* OR impair*)) OR ((mental OR intell* OR learning OR development* OR neurodevelopment*OR motor OR psychomotor OR language OR linguistic OR communicat* OR speech OR verbal) adj3 (abilit* OR disabilit* OR delay OR problem OR difficult* OR disorder* OR impair*)) OR “IQ” OR “mental retardation” OR “autis*” OR “autis* spectrum” OR “asd” OR “autis* disorder*” OR “autis* spectrum disorder” OR sleep OR “sleep disorder” OR “ADHD” OR “attention deficit hyperactiv* disorder” OR “attention deficit disorder” OR “ADD” OR ((attention) adj3 (deficit OR disorder* OR dysfunction)) OR “overactivit*” OR “impulsiv*” OR “mood” OR “depressi*” OR “bipolar” OR “anxi*” OR “obsess*” OR “compulsi*” OR “obsess* compulsi* disorder” OR “ocd” OR ((adaptive OR maladaptive OR challeng* OR aggress* OR self-injur* OR self injur* OR repetiti* OR ritual* OR stereotyp*) adj3 (behavio*)) OR memory OR ((memory) adj3 (impair* OR disorder)) OR “executive function*” OR “problem solving”

  1. Note. Rows were combined using the Boolean operator [AND]