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Table 2 Descriptive statistics by family history of FXTAS

From: Family history of FXTAS is associated with age-related cognitive-linguistic decline among mothers with the FMR1 premutation


Family History of FXTAS

Negative (n = 33)

Positive (n = 12)

Total number of observations



Observations per participant, M (SD)

2.73 (1.63)

3.33 (1.30)

Age at entry (years), M (SD)

46.88 (7.27)

48.10 (8.31)

Syntactic complexity Z score, Coh-Metrix, M (SD)

0.69 (0.45)

0.88 (0.86)

Total stress percentile, Parenting Stress Index-4, M (SD)

62.84 (20.76)

59.83 (20.08)

CGG repeat length, M (SD)

96.30 (19.41)

94.14 (14.46)

Education level, n (%)

High school education or less

13 (39%)

3 (25%)

Some college

9 (27%)

6 (50%)

Bachelor’s degree

3 (9%)

1 (8%)

Graduate degree

8 (24%)

2 (17%)