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Fig. 4 | Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Fig. 4

From: No difference in extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid volumes across neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions in later childhood and adolescence

Fig. 4

EA-CSF volumes were not a significant predictor of sleep disturbances in children and adolescents. Depicted is the lack of a relationship between EA-CSF volumes and the covariate-adjusted Sleep Disturbance Scale raw total score, (t(357) = 1.3, p = 0.19). Sleep Disturbance Scale total scores were adjusted by regressing out the effects of mean-centered age, mean-centered age2, diagnostic group (used within a dummy-coded framework where the ASD group was always the baseline), site, sex, mean-centered eTIV, and mean-centered eTIV2 using the following formula: SDSadj = SDSnat — [β1(mean-centered agenat — mean of mean-centered agenat) + β2(mean-centered age2nat — mean of mean-centered age2nat) + β3(groupnat — mean groupnat) + β4(sitenat — mean sitenat) + β5(sexnat — mean sexnat) + β6(mean-centered eTIVnat — mean of mean-centered eTIVnat) + β7(mean-centered eTIVnat — mean of mean-centered eTIVnat)]. A linear model was used, and each scan is represented by a circle

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