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Table 3 Pearson partial correlation coefficients (±95% confidence intervals) between frequency discrimination thresholds and MMN and LDN indices

From: Late, not early mismatch responses to changes in frequency are reduced or deviant in children with dyslexia: an event-related potential study

Small deviant mismatch indices

TD group

DYS group

MMN mean amplitude

-0.17 (-0.71–0.30)

-0.03 (-0.59–4.1)

ITC 0–300 ms, 4–7 Hz

-0.42 (-0.86–0.03)

0.03 (-0.64–0.54)

LDN mean amplitude

0.04 (-0.48–0.46)

-0.10 (-0.57–0.28)

ERSP 300–600 ms, 4–7 Hz

-0.22 (-0.68–0.27)

0.08 (-0.52–0.56)