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Table 4 Demographics and square completion performance for fMRI participants with SDs

From: Dorsal visual stream and LIMK1: hemideletion, haplotype, and enduring effects in children with Williams syndrome


SD (n = 10)

Controls (n = 12)



7 F, 3 M

4 F, 8 M

0.2 (NS)


35.1 ± 12.5

33.0 ± 7.7

0.6 (NS)


97.7 ± 10.8

94.7 ± 6.5

0.4 (NS)

Match accuracy (%)

77 ± 14.9

85 ± 10.6


Match reaction time (ms)

1445 ± 177

1432 ± 199

0.9 (NS)

Square accuracy (%)

62 ± 13.1

69 ± 12.0

0.2 (NS)

Square reaction time (ms)

2111 ± 761

2152 ± 530


  1. Age, IQ, accuracy, and reaction time are shown as mean ± standard deviation. IQ was measured by the two-subset form of the WASI [47] for participants with SDs and a short form of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised [48] for controls. One fMRI control was African American; all other participants were of Caucasian ancestry. One control was left-handed; all other participants were right-handed