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Table 3 Characteristics of autistic participants by ID statusa

From: Autism through midlife: trajectories of symptoms, behavioral functioning, and health



(n = 406)

No ID group

(n = 123)

ID group

(n = 283)


Demographic Characteristics

 T1 Age

21.9 (9.4)

[10, 52]

18.6 (7.7)

[10, 47]

23.4 (9.7)

[10, 52]


 Sex (% males)




Chi-sq = 0.00

Autism Symptoms

 ADI-R impairments in Social Reciprocity

15.6 (5.6)

[2, 28]

12.2 (4.9)

[2, 27]

17.1 (5.2)

[5, 28]


 ADI-R impairments in Non-Verbal Communication

5.01 (2.3)

[0, 8]

4.11 (2.4)

[0, 8]

5.40 (2.1)

[0, 8]


 ADI-R impairments in Verbal Communication

9.96 (3.5)

[1, 20]

(n = 299)

8.30 (3.3)

[1, 16]

(n = 122)

11.1 (3.1)

[1, 20]

(n = 177)


 ADI-R Repetitive Behaviors

5.42 (2.4)

[0, 12]

5.08 (2.5)

[0, 11]

5.57 (2.4)

[0, 12]


Behavioral Functioning

 Activities of Daily Living (W-ADL)

19.6 (6.6)

[3, 34]

24.1 (5.7)

[10, 34]

17.7 (6.1)

[3, 33]


 Maladaptive Behavior (SIB-R total score)

115.6 (11.2)

[99, 153]

113.7 (10.9)

[99, 150]

116.4 (11.3)

[100, 153]


 Time spent with friends/neighbors

1.28 (1.3)

[0, 4]

1.71 (1.3)

[0, 4]

1.10 (1.3)

[0, 4]



 Health rating

3.19 (0.8)

[1, 4]

3.12 (0.8)

[1, 4]

3.21 (0.7)

[1, 4]


 Number of Psychotropic Medications:

0.84 (0.9)

[0, 6]

0.75 (0.9)

[0, 3]

0.88 (1.0)

[0, 6]


 Number of  Non-psychotropic Medications

0.70 (0.9)

[0, 4]

0.46 (0.8)

[0, 3]

0.80 (1.0)

[0, 4]


  1. ID Intellectual Disability, ADI-R Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, W-ADL Waisman Activities of Daily Living Scale, SIB-R Scales of Independent Behaviors-Revised
  2. * p < .05; *** p < .001
  3. aMeans, standard deviation (in parentheses) and ranges (in brackets) are reported unless the variable is marked with (%)