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Table 1 Late talkers’ and typically developing children’s performance on standardized assessments (experiment 1)

From: Assessing receptive verb knowledge in late talkers and autistic children: advances and cautionary tales


Macarthur-Bates communicative development inventories (short form A): raw score

Preschool language scales, auditory comprehension subscale: standard score

Preschool language scales, expressive communication subscale: standard score

Mullen scales of early learning, visual reception subscale: T-scores

Late talkers

M = 40

SD = 25

M = 88

SD = 15

M = 90

SD = 11

M = 44

SD = 10

Typically developing children

M = 82

SD = 16

M = 114

SD = 12

M = 114

SD = 12

M = 58

SD = 8

Test statistic

t = 6.73,

p < 0.001

t = 6.31

p < 0.001

t = 6.17

p < 0.001

t = 4.77

p < 0.001