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Table 3 Standardized Coefficients for SSPA subscales for Discriminant Functions 1 and 2

From: Social skills in neurodevelopmental disorders: a study using role-plays to assess adolescents and young adults with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and autism spectrum disorders





SSPA total social adequacy (RP 1 + 2)



SSPA total non-verbal communication and affect (RP 1 + 2)



SSPA overall argument (RP 2)



SSPA total clarity (RP 1 + 2)



SSPA overall conversation (RP 1)



SSPA total fluency (RP 1 + 2)



SSPA total involvement (RP 1 + 2)



SSPA overall argument (RP 2)



SSPA negociation ability (RP 2)



SSPA submission/persistence (RP 2)



  1. Coefficients greater than .40, shown in bold, load onto the function
  2. TD stands for typically developping peers, 22q11DS stands for participants with microdeletion 22q11.2, ASD stands for participants with autism spectrum disorders, SD stands for standard deviation