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Table 2 Task performance for the two groups

From: Neural oscillatory activity and connectivity in children who stutter during a non-speech motor task


Children who stutter

M (SE)

Children who do not stutter

M (SE)

t test

Hit rate (%)

72.86 (4.06)

74.26 (2.41)

t(32) = − .30; p = .76

False alarm rate (%)

15.04 (3.72)

7.65 (1.46)

t(32) = 1.93; p = .06

Average response time (ms)

602.8 (22.7)

628.8 (13.7)

t(32) = 1.01; p = .32

Variability of response time (ms)

177.7 (11.4)

153.7 (10.4)

t(32) = − 1.55; p = .07

  1. M mean, SE standard error of the mean