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Table 3 Results of linear mixed-model ANOVAs on phase synchronization to the button press in the delta, theta, and beta bands

From: Neural oscillatory activity and connectivity in children who stutter during a non-speech motor task


Main effect of group

Main effect of location (left, right, interhemispheric)

Interaction effect: group × location


F(1,946) = 9.84; p = .002**

F(2,946) = 1.40; p = .25

F(2,946) = .16; p = .85


F(1,946) = 4.81; p = .029*

F(2,946) = 2.79; p = .062

F(2,946) = 4.15; p = .016*


F(1,946) = .03; p = .87

F(2,946) = 6.14; p = .002**

F(2,946) = 7.53; p < .001***

  1. Significant main effects and interactions are indicated in bold
  2. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001